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Java can run applications more easily if they are packager as autostartable .jar files. You can make that kind of .jar file and then run it from command line by java -jar filename.jar or in Windows by double clicking on it.
cd src
Compile SC Java sources - javac *.java (or use distributed .classes).
Make .jar file - jar cvfm scache.jar MANIFEST.MF *.class
Because .jar file is just renamed .zip file, you can also copy file MANIFEST.MF in SC archive to META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and pack compiled classes with this file using any .zip utility.
If everything works you now have autostartable jar file.
Change working directory to smartcache_home/src and execute command javac *.java. If you have tar distribution running top-level gnu make should work.
Technical notes:
Java stores integers in high-endian (network) byte order.
INTEGER and LONG are signed types, 4 or 8 bytes long.
STRINGs are encoded using UTF8. String length (2 bytes) is stored first, data follows.
Time is LONG integer, counted in milliseconds starting from 1.1.1970 (Unix era).
Structure of .cacheinfo files (Version 4).
File Magic number (INT) 0x53433034 - ASCII encoded string 'SC04'.
Number of entries in this file(INT), structure of one entry follows:
Object name including query string (STRING) (test.php3?id=2211)
Content type (STRING) (text/html)
Local file name, not including directory name (STRING) (test.php3)
Redirect http header (STRING) ("")
Object size in bytes INT (2031)
HTTP return code INT (200)
Expire date LONG (none 0)
Date, when object was downloaded or checked LONG
Last modified date LONG (none=0)
Last access date LONG
Etag header (STRING) ("")
Content encoding (String) ("") May be "gzip,x-gzip,compress,x-compress,deflate" See RFC 2616
Whole entry is successfully downloaded? BYTE (1=YES, 0=NO - ENTRY TRUNCATED). Reserved for use in future auto-resume function.
Structure of .cacheinfo files (Version 3) used in SC from version 0.47 to 0.73.
File Magic number (INT) 0x53433033 - ASCII encoded string 'SC03'.
Number of entries in this file(INT), structure of one entry follows:
Object name including query string (STRING) (test.php3?id=2211)
Content type (STRING) (text/html)
Local file name, not including directory name (STRING) (test.php3)
Redirect http header (STRING) ("")
Object size in bytes INT (2031)
HTTP return code INT (200)
Expire date LONG (none 0)
Date, when object was downloaded or checked LONG
Last modified date LONG (none=0)
Last access date LONG
Content encoding (String) ("") May be "gzip,x-gzip,compress,x-compress,deflate" See RFC 2616
Whole entry is successfully downloaded? BYTE (1=YES, 0=NO - ENTRY TRUNCATED). Reserved for use in future auto-resume function.
/loader/setdepth?depth=x type=(add/refresh)
/loader/add?url= depth= options=
/store/browse?dir showdel=true
/store/search?dir= depth=
/trace/set? what= val=
/logs/console? loglevel=
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Smart Cache Manual