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Smart Cache Manual
Chapter 6 - Contacting author

6.1 Sponsoring Smart Cache development

I have adopted method for sponsoring Free Software development invented by RMS. This allows people to request needed changes to software or consultation. Because of GPL Software license, you can hire anybody for doing that.

Do you need new feature, optimization, bug-fix, help with source code, help with installation or configuration? I can do it for you -- if you pay a development costs. Current rate is $20 USD/hour with $50 minimum.

6.2 Sending source code patches

  1. You dont have to ask if you can make some changes, make it and send me patches.

  1. Make sure that you have latest available version first. Get latest revision from VCS if you can.

  1. Use diff -cNr "distributed_src_dir" "hacked_src_dir" > mypaches

  1. Write documentation about your patches, what it does and how it should work.

  1. Try to test your code before sending.

  1. You must agree that your piece of code will be distributed under GPL v2.

6.3 Bug reporting

Please send you bug reports to Bugtracker, if possible. I do not respond to bugs sent to me by individual emails.

Try latest available version first (you can try also latest development version stored in VCS if you can work with Bazaar), maybe your bug is fixed already. Then try to read this manual.

To make bug reports more usable write as much as possible from following information. I need to repeat reported bug myself.

  1. If it is a fatal crash (exception) send stack trace. Stack traces are very important for bug fixing.

  1. Smart Cache version. VERY important. If this bug was not in old version, report it.

  1. Java runtime version / OS version. Important for reporting exceptions or crashes.

  1. WWW browser version.

  1. Description of problem and way how to reproduce it.

  1. If this problems appears with specific URL, send this URL.

  1. turn on all trace_* and provide request headers dump if this problem

  1. Do you use http_proxy ? If yes, which software is running there? is specific to some URL.

  1. If this is problem with redirects (SC will go when clicked on link to old page, but it should not), send me sequence of URLs which failed.

  1. If this is problem with reload (shows old page) or redirects, send me default_refresh_pattern and pragma_no_cache setting. Also try if SHIFT + Reload in Netscape solves this problem. But you did trace_refresh first and look on it, right?

6.4 User registration/feedback letters

Try to include some of following information. I am interested mainly in 3,9,10.

  1. Smart Cache version

  1. Operation System / Java version

  1. Where do you find this program

  1. How long you are using it

  1. Size of your cache

  1. What do you like/dislike

  1. What to include in future version(s)

  1. If running on network, how many people uses it

  1. What you do for your spiritual progress

  1. What is purpose/goal of your life

6.5 Addresses

  1. Homepage http://scache.sourceforge.net/.

  1. Mailing list how to join http://scache.sourceforge.net/list.html.

  1. Author hsn-at-users.sourceforge.net. But do not email unless you want to sponsor SC or some other work. Use mailing list for standard issues.

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Smart Cache Manual


Radim Kolar hsn_nospam_at.sendmail.dot.cz